Lauren, what you write resonates so much. The way you describe this process often as a personal challenge, simply to see if we can do it week after week ... The nod to your dad, whom you honored in our interview (https://funderfollies.substack.com/p/an-interview-with-lauren-crichton) ... Carving out time to think and learn through writing. I especially love this "different version of yourself" as your priorities have evolved! That, perhaps, is the best testament to your success these 4 years of Pass It On. My next will be the 80th issue: your spirit and wisdom will continue to inspire how I think about Funder Follies' purpose and my own voice. Deepest thanks to you, my friend.

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Hi Lauren, I think you've done some really interesting and important work with this newsletter. I've enjoyed reading the interviews. Best of luck with your next chapter!

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congrats first 🥂 and can't wait to know what you'll decide then. enjoy this time -and the end of the year 🫶

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Loved every read Lauren!

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